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@auz73 lol, yeah it could have used more boobs but so could have sesame street jk :)
@jackdaniels079 thanks :)
@SonOfJack6 thanks, i was a bit green around the gills in that light :). the movie is only for certain people you know the kind that like 70's vampire sex flicks
Awesome review...This flick sounds pretty cool...really great setting for a review...
another cool parka review 5*
Boobs, violence and vampires sound like a good movie. lol great review.
So being stabbed once in the kidnies causes instant death. Very interesting, lol.
@CanineFaeces when i was watching that scene i was like.... seriously.
Looks like Carrot top lol! That right there is enough to make me laugh. I was going to skip on this but then you said (Boobs). I think I might grab this if I run into it. Not such a big Vampire guy but I am a boob guy.
@Eigh8Thechosenone yeah i mean the boobs are decent, the film seems like a slow euro vamp flick you know. man i hate the guy for some reason lol
Great review man! Loved the start (some drunk azzhole might yell at me). Love how you switch it up.
@Eigh8Thechosenone yeah it really was thinking man people drive like dicks at night in the suburbs lol so i was wanting :). thanks