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@MidnightScreamFest thanks lol hilarious stuff
@arn0ldaar0n lol :)
@sdrocerpraw thanks man just about to watch your new vid, did your stuff come?
@Liucilla thanks :) licks and bites huh lol that be strange to wake up to in the middle of the night :)
@steviezombie2010 lol it does
I loved the group smoke out clip and the scene ends with a cliff hanger. I used to drink as well but have stopped because it causes more pain than pleasure in my mind and body. The money I spent on alcohol can go to the more precious things such as my horror film collection and marijuana(it's much healthier than the poisons of alcohol and it doesn't cause me pain or others pain).
P.S. Keep Out The Good Work Mrparka
@Joshuaalt its a cool clip i thought. yeah for sure i used to drink alot in high school i would wake up in bad places lol. i completely agree on the buying movies :). thanks bud
I didn't know Uncle Leo was in anything else besides Seinfeld lol I was never really a fan of the show but use to watch it once in awhile anyway great stoner impression lol and your right this does look like a movie that would be entertaining while stoned or drunk lol cool review by the way!
@HackedUp4BBQ013 yeah i mean i seen him in one flick besides seinfeld then boom 2 right back to back weird. lol i just thought about the guys making the van has laserbeams lmao.
Supervan sounds like what you said...GET SMASHED & have fun! This looks like one of those movies to pop in around 2am and just let the cheese flow...GREAT Review
@Eigh8Thechosenone fall asleep to and wake up to the humming of the supervan confused and sick lol