Ramones Raw
It!) (Image) Dead
Boys Live! At CBGB 1977 (Buy It!) (Music Video
Distributors) Wire On
The Box: 1979 (Buy It!) (Pink Flag Archive
The recent documentary End Of The Century
tells the Ramones story more clearly, but the DVD Raw—which
slams together exclusive home movies and scraps from just about
every worldwide TV appearance the Ramones ever made—better captures
the punk legends' slobby spirit. Shapelessly shot and edited by band
buddy John Cafiero, Raw plays like one long in-joke, with
random celebrity sightings and lots of unexplained references to
"sloths." The disc's bonus features add even more live footage
(including a complete 30-minute 1980 Italian concert) and TV
interviews (including a segment on Space Ghost: Coast To
Coast), but fans will have to watch the main program if they
want to see Marky Ramone sitting on the can.
In its oddball cuddliness, Ramones became a kind
of theme-park version of punk—which was part of the band's sad
story, since there's no reason why the Ramones shouldn't have been a
Top 40 perennial. For a shot of slightly more dangerous material,
watch Dead Boys' Live! At CBGB 1977, which catches the New
York underground legend on a typically ragged, wasted night. The
band opens with its most enduring song, "Sonic Reducer," and closes
with a cover of Iggy & The Stooges' "Search And Destroy," and
though a lot of the music in between sounds like loud mush, it gets
shape from Stiv Bators' spastic performance, as he contorts his face
and body to spit the words out. The DVD adds some priceless
interview footage, including a clip of a burly roadie insisting that
Dead Boys will be "the number one new-wave band in the world."
What's most remarkable about Dead Boys' live DVD
is that it exists at all, given the lack of commercial prospects for
such a document back in '77, let alone now. The same could be said
of the Wire DVD On The Box: 1979, an hourlong set drawn from
a broadcast of German TV's RockPalast. Wire's first
incarnation was about at an end by '79, as the band's early punk
frenzy had begun to drift into abstraction (as might be expected
from the kind of art-school types whom, a decade earlier, might've
become Pink Floyd). Live, though, the Wire of 1979 is fluid and
rock-y. Even in front of a small, unresponsive audience, the band
gets increasingly aggressive, tearing through songs like "A Question
Of Degree" and "Men 2nd" as if every note could save a life, or at
least liberate listeners from boredom. —Noel Murray