_files/crampsnapa02story.jpg) |
I kept
expecting someone to lock the room up and keep The
Cramps in there
forever... | |
(DVD) by
Flick Harrison (2004-03-04)
| 1984, Un-rated, 20 Minutes, Target Video
One of my encyclopedic friends declared
this the most amazing and disturbing punk-rock footage of all time:
Lux Interior, surrounded by mental patients, strutting and wiggling
like a can of electrified worms. Belting out the hits, as they say.
The oddest thing about this DVD, which simply records a 1978
Cramps concert in the tiny recreation area of a home for the
mentally challenged, is that it doesn't look too much different from
a regular punk rock concert. Guitarist Poison Ivy seems insanely
unflappable. The odd outfits, the wacky dancing, the stage rushing,
audience members grabbing the microphone, etc. fit right into the
weirdo, drugged-out vibe of a punk show. But… there are a tad more
housecoats, there's a certain institutional tension, and the hair is
slightly messier.
It's a strange thing indeed to behold, and the presence of the
video camera seems to hint at a sinister purpose. Though these
mentally-whatever folks are sure having fun, and the band is
knocking themselves out, it seems obvious that the counter-culture
edge of "playing to the crazy" was meant to give the band some
badass cachet. It works; in fact, despite real-life history, I kept
expecting someone to lock the room up and keep The Cramps in there
forever, just to prevent this weird collision of psyches from
infecting the rest of the world. It also reminded me of the
"Entartete Kunst" shows which the Nazis put on: comparing Picassos
and other expressionist paintings with photos of deformed mental
patients, in the attempt to connect modern art with insanity.
On the production side, Target Video (who shot the vid way back
when) has taken the right approach, for whatever reasons. Video
cameras were clunky and lame back then, but they were still cheaper
than film, and the aesthetic of black-and-white tube cameras will
never be surpassed as a means of evoking a period. It looks like
available light, one camera, and there are no edits… just cheap
chiron titles that come up at the beginning of each song, and a
computer-font "©Target Video 1984" logo across the bottom, all the
way through. Even if this no-frills format contains its own
pretensions, that matters not one whit.
The DVD also has a giant sample reel of other Target videos:
performance art, punk rock, etc. etc… and I mean etc. My favorite
was another one-camera shoot, this time in outdoor daylight, of the
band "Crime" playing at a prison. Why the prisoners hold up Crime
posters whenever the lens is on them, God only knows, but I bet the
band thought it was gold.
_files/crampsnapa03story.jpg) |
The oddest
thing about this DVD, which simply records a 1978 Cramps
concert in the tiny recreation area of a home for the mentally
challenged, is that it doesn't look too much different from a
regular punk rock
concert... |