Mrparka Reviews "Night of the Living Dead: Reanimated (Features)" Zombie Talk / Creative Writing

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Yes there is. :)
@mrparka Couldn't finish them! But other than the pictures, it was great.
@GRINDUPFILMS yeah i would love to a be a pitch writer lol and help on the sidelines but problem is i think i may try to take over, and again i feel so different from day to day i'm not sure if i could remain the same attitude thoughout the story.
@JaredOnline1 did you enjoy it?
@mrparka Haven't seen it yet.
My name is what I use when playing HL2 Deathmatch online.
It's a 1st-person shooter deathmatch game in the SOURCE gaming engine, which I also used to film my scenes for NOTLD-R, in a mod called Garry's mod, a great tool for making vids. (See my channel for a few examples) Peace.
@EbolaSandwich cool i'll check it out
Put a shirt on asshole.
@louiscjustin but how am i ever gonna be white trash if i wearing a shirt... you just don't get it Louis.
@mrparka It was... interesting. I didn't like when it was just pictures with the audio track, but it was on sale for 9.99, so I decided to get it.
@JaredOnline1 yeah i mean its very interesting stuff not for everyone, did you check out the features.