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All Comments (47)
@mizpol yeah very true, alot of times people just assume about people, and usually are wrong. then again when i get some road rage i tend to assume everyone lol
@shanedoucette hope you enjoy it :)
@steviezombie2010 i never had much contact with priest so maybe i'm lucky?
@mslizzyborden lol
@veles666 it has alot of softcore scenes in it as well.
great hair
@onceIpoopedmyself thanks :)
I have to check this out. Just the character of the priest/serial killer seems to be interesting enough to check this out. "Dont call me father, call me daddy" lol
@veles666 yeah lol the kills aren't gory all strangling mostly just the rape is really sleazy plenty of that in here
@mrparka me neither mate.i was a protestant until i realized that religion was a load of old bollocks.if you grow up were i did you learn that very fast.
@steviezombie2010 i was the same, but i really don't believe in any organized religion