Walking Dead Girls, The REVIEWED BY: Gigantor I just got back from watching the premiere of the zombiriffic film Bong of the Dead and even with all the gallons of blood and plethora of zombie gore it was the nude zombie girls that clearly won the crowd over. Zombie Bimbos, Zimbies, Bimbies or whatever you want to call them have clearly taken over the Zombie genre and has managed to create its own sub-genre. With everyone obsessed with sex and death, naturally if you combine the two you will have a real crowd pleaser, and that leads us to the world of female zombie fandom and this documentary. This documentary promises to look into how mainstream zombie films and culture have become, with a focus on the birth of recent female zombie craze that clearly has come out of that. While it does touch on this it also takes more of a look at ZomBCon 2010 (via some celebrity interviews) a look at Zombie Walk, and promotions for Cheezy Flicks' up and coming Zombie Cheese Cake Calendar with a light plug for the upcoming film Stripperland! (which I do look forward to seeing). With that much going on it does provide a nice variety of zombie goodness on a nice range of topics, it also suffers from this as well as not all material is the best of footage. Standout celebrities being interviewed here are: George A. Romero, Lloyd Kaufman, Linnea Quigley and lastly Bruce Campbell. Some interviews are done well, like the one with Lloyd Kaufman (but that’s more of a reflection of Lloyd’s ability to talk), or even the one with Linnea Quigley. While they manage to get some big names to interview they didn’t do their homework nor did they give much thought to any of the questions. They’re sitting there with George Romero interviewing him for a documentary about zombies and here they are asking him what kind of car he drives! Also not all the interviews are noteworthy but not entirely the interviewer's fault, such as the one with Bruce Campbell where he clearly isn’t happy to be doing the interview and makes no attempt of interjecting. Aside from ZomBCon 2010 they also briefly show some footage from Zombie Walk in their area. For those who might not be familiar with Zombie Walk, Zombie Walk is where a bunch of people all dressed up as zombies go walk down a major street in their city. Zombie Walk is quickly becoming one of the fastest growing group activities in the US and Canada. Chances are if you live in one of these countries and you live near a major city there’s most likely an annual Zombie Walk there. Also in this documentary which makes up most of this DVD are some behind the scenes footage and interviews with the models of an upcoming Zombie Cheesecake type calendar. The interviews are decent enough and as expected the ladies are pleasant on the eye, but this material would definitely be suited in some sort of DVD package that comes with the Calendar rather than on here. This documentary isn’t terrible per se but would better viewed in between horror movies on your next movie night rather than being the main feature of the evening.