There are some movies I watch that when the credits roll, I think to myself, "Wow, I have no clue what I just watched." He by Creep Creepersin is one of those movies. So honestly, I can't tell you for sure what I think the movie is about, but I'm going to give it my best shot! In He, He (Creep Creepersin) is married to his Wife (Ariauna Albright). I'm just going to refer to them that way throughout since they have no names. No one in the movie has a name actually, so they're all going to be called by nicknames. He and his Wife obviously have some serious marriage and mental problems. I'm not sure who is worse, actually. When they receive a letter that He reads, it simply says "Proceed." He has no clue what this mean, so he passes it to his Wife who says that it says that he got the job with the Company and he needs to start immediately. Instead of being happy for him, she is just glad that He finally got something right. He leaves to go to work, but changes his mind and comes back in the house. He finds his Wife in a child's room playing with a doll. He tells her that he doesn't start work today. She yells at him for not being able to get her pregnant and tells him to go and make himself useful doing chores. He has to cut the grass with scissors, so that each blade is perfect to make her happy. Granted, I have no clue if that is what he was really doing or if that is what his mind thinks that he is doing because he's obviously unstable, even this early in the film. When he comes back in the house, there's a random woman sitting in the kitchen speaking another language to him. He answers in English, but she never really answers anything He asks. She sends him to the store to get cigarettes before she'll talk more. I guess he thinks this is what he should do because he doesn't even ask who she is or what she's doing there. He just goes. He sings the most amusing song during the car ride. I mention it only because I don't think I've ever heard someone singing an ode to vaginas for that long. When he gets back from the store though, she is gone. Things start to get even weirder from here on out. There's a guy that shows up at the door asking for a couple of dollars. We'll call the random guy Hitman (Matt Turek) since that's what the credits call him. When Hitman gets back in his car, He is the person in the back seat. I'm guessing that He wants himself dead? If that's not weird enough, when his Wife is doing the laundry, she finds dirt in his pockets and starts crying. There are two random guys in their house talking about the dirt, but He walks past them and doesn't see them. Not too long after this, his Wife's crossword puzzle tells her she should kill him. But she's having her BBQ first and He had better show up and act right. Of course, He can't do that because his mind is so gone by this point. When people lose their minds, everyone is in danger. If you're not confused by now, then you're doing better than me! He is just one of those movies that you have to see for yourself if you can figure it out. The one real problem I had with the quality was in the sound. The timing was off after the first few minutes for a short time. Throughout the movie, it has issues of being too loud and then suddenly too quiet to hear. At one point near the end, it was so bad that when someone screamed loudly, I had to turn the volume in half because I was afraid I was going to burst my speakers. It got so loud all of a sudden, but then I couldn't hear the speaking, so I had to turn it back up. The behind the scenes featurettes didn't really explain any more of the movie like I hoped it would, but it was amusing because any time any of the people says Creep's real name, it's voiced over by Creep saying "Creep" in this really low, creepy voice. I'd like to have that one word as a sound bite for my phone actually. It would be amusing to make it someone's ring tone. It's really too bad I can't read lips because now I'm more curious than ever as to what Creep's real name is! Overall, He is just a very weird movie. I have to wonder if I totally missed the point of it or if anyone got the point. I really liked the last Creepersin movie that I watched, Frankenstein, but I don't think I can say the same thing for He. There was just too much that was totally lost me. If you're looking for a weird puzzle to figure out, you might try watching He! -Cyn, GameVortex Communications AKA Sara Earl